L.A.R.C.U.M. & other Waynesboro Churches
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Education – Sunday, March 11 at 6:00 p.m. at Wayne Theater Birth of a Nation, Faith Film Series. Following the film, First Baptist’s Chancel Choir will lead the audience on a journey of African-American spirituals retelling the story of slaves and the history and importance of these works of art. Due to violent content, this movie is Rated R and only suitable for adults unless minors are accompanied by an adult. First Baptist will host a movie night at the church for the kids who cannot attend the movie at the Wayne.
Mission – Serve together at the Rotating Thermal Shelter at Fishersville UMC March 12-19 either by providing a meal, staying overnight or sharing in fellowship between 6:00-10:00 with individuals yet to be housed. Contact Rev. April Cranford at 540-414-4427 to connect your church, small group or yourself.
Palm Sunday Procession – Sunday, March 29, 10:00 a.m. beginning at Grace Lutheran – Parade with Palms, Sing with Voices down Wayne Ave., Main St and Maple Ave. (15 min. processional)
Good Friday – March 29 at 3:00 p.m., Way of the Cross starting at St. John Catholic, down 11th, down Wayne and then back to church.
L.A.R.C.U.M. Annual Picnic – more info to come
Christ Tabernacle Church of God in Christ, Pastor C.D. Brown
First Baptist Church, Pastor Barrett Owen
First Presbyterian Church, Pastor George Chapman
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, Pastor Paul Pingel
Main Street United Methodist
Church, Pastor Linda Kusse-Wolfe
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Pastor Rolo Castillo
Steadfast Church of God in Christ, Pastor Raymond Watson
Waynesboro Mennonite Church, Pastor Howard Miller
Westminster Presbyterian Church, Pastor April Cranford
Lutheran, Anglican, Roman Catholics and United Methodists (L.A.R.C.U.M.) in Waynesboro gather periodically for joint worship services, potlucks, and other activities. Mainly comprising members and leaders from Grace Evangelical Lutheran, St John’s Episcopal, St John’s Catholic and Main Street United Methodist Church, we enjoy fellowshipping with each other in this ecumenical endeavor.